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Saturday, August 28, 2010 | 9:08 AM |

"i miss the old us. i miss the old you. i miss the old me. i miss the old everything."

Friday, August 27, 2010 | 3:56 AM |

EH,ade GUEST pat blog I ngan Sri. Buto,kaw stop it siol. Zaman bile nak spamspam,babe!
Kaw tak tahu citer,diam2 je ahh!

Betul-betul nye sakit hati. Ade ke patot ade orang kate aku saket hati bile Eldyana ngan Dan? Siak-siak. I've got way better things to do dari nak saketkan hati ke, belaskan simpati for a guy like him. No time. Seriously. People just assume that, I left him like that. C'mon lar. Kau tatawu pape, just keep it shut. I don't envy their relationship, at all. Trust me. I've got no feelings for Muhd Danial b Razali, okay? Aku tak marah pon when I've got to found out kawan aku got attached to Dan. Die da anuh aku rabak-rabak, buat ape aku nak pikerkan pasal die? And please eh, lau Dan kat luwa ke, dalam ke, tetap same. Sorry to say lar kan, tapi Dan dasar kental. Face the fact--" AND, tactless. Die bukan bapak kepada anak aku. Why? Because... a father wouldn't leave his child just like that and expect the mother of the baby to bear with all the responsibilities. He wouldn't even punch the girl's stomach when the baby is a foetus, wouldn't force her to sniff glue, drink or consume pineapple. Worse, leave her. Get your facts right lar eh people. Aku bukan nak busok kan name mataey kau. Aku cume nak orang tawu yang sebenar before nak cakap yang bukan-bukan. What the fuck... kat internet je berani kate ni, tu. Kat face to face, diam. Stop it lar. And, I left him ade sebab. Why? Cos he expect Mysha and I to balek Semb dari Pasir Ris sendiri sebab die pentingkan minum. Da paham? Kay, thanks.

*copied from Sri`s blog.

Yea,that the truth.Jadi korang takya nak jage kayen orang sedangkan korang tak tahu apeape. Nak step manenye pandai,padahal tak tahu pape>.<

3:47 AM |

hahah,glad everything`s over. i miss NanaCiner taw! The time we spent together.
Haish,lastlong w Zulfiqar.

3:38 AM |

HAHAH! ini muke dyer kate mcm mak aku. hmmm,very ugly siol~ Tak lawar. Hmmm:D

Thursday, August 26, 2010 | 9:40 PM |

This girl is named after her parents as Syahirah Nadiah. Not only that,she is very awesomexcs,unique and not like other girls out there. Everyone loves her like I do. She is always happy eventhough she have problems that has lend to her. Im very proud to have this girl as my one and only,BabyGirl. Maybe there are other girl that i do as my BabyGirl but she is the best among the rest. I really miss her. I will comfort her from the cold because I know somehow rather she will get sick. I really care for her. She dont show off her prettyness because she know that no one`s perfect. But for me,she is perfect.
I,myself have promise to her to go through thick and this together. Eventhough she doesn`t have anything relate to me anymore,she still talk me. She can forget what had happened and start a new life. Hey,i really love & miss her. She is really awesomexcs. She don`t act like a minahrep seh. Eventhough I use to think that she is a Minahrep. Heeh. Takmo marah oke kalao you bace. And,now kan,i saket hati actually sebab dyer tukar number taw,beh tak bilang i. Sedih seh. Haish. Macam lupekan I gitu. That time kan,i kluar ngan dyer taw pergi Town ngan Bugis ngan Mane enta. I lupe ahh. Abehkan,ade mat Kelantan niy mintak number I. Hmmm,I malas nak layan dhe,&,i delete laah number dhe. Then kan,tadi dhe call I,tanye bile nak jumpe sume. Irritating siol!~ Tahu tak angkat tadi. Hmmm,i miss Syahirah sial!~ How I wish she was a guy and she become my BOYFRIEND:D Confirm gerek. I takya tengok mat motors lagiek,tengok kat muke dyer dah cukop. Sungguh menghiburkan hati I apabila melihat mukanya Syahirah Nadiah Binte Ramlan ini. Hahaha. I thank for all the goodness you give me Syahirah. I love you very much.I wanna sleep with her , i wanna do verything w her. Hmmm, Mwuah<3>

8:18 PM |
they call me bitch.

Hey,how awesomexcs is this? I love it siol~ And,its big & with pink. I nak purple ngan pink ngan black ngan white ngan red. Sebab kan,i suke colour itu sume. HAHAHA! Wth-.- Lame eh kaw nanaa.
I really want that somebody untok jadi macam gini. Haish. I miss everything seh. I miss lying down on you at East Coast Beach,Siloso Beach,and other beaches. Haish. I love you,friend,ex-boyfriend and that somebody. Ehhh,aidil kaw jee eh tahu.

LAWAR kann? Aidil,aku nak niyy:D Belikan aku ahhh pleaseeee. Haish. I miss you,boy. Wiping your tears,hugging you,kissing you on the forehead. Haish. I`ll soon return to HOUGANG okaay? Hmmm,i miss everybody. AND,i chat with NanaCiner tadi. Hmmm,gerek! HAHAHAH!
Daah,byebye STUPID(;

7:54 PM |
i don`t claim to be perfect.

i will rather have a kiss on the forehead~
and,i will still care for whatever you`ve done because your precious,boy. I bet every girl will treasure you like i did. Because you are the guy that have done something that all girls don`t want. Haish. I really miss the past. How I wish I could change time when im still young.Wth-.-Eventhough now im stupid in my studies but im trying very hard to understand everything that is teached is the class.I wanna prove to that someone that im the best.And,no one could change that. Because for the first,i don`t hate anybody because nobody`s perfect. Neither am I. I just hate my life now because boy,you change everything for this January. Thanks Hudzaifah and that somebody. I really miss all the moments~ Hope your happy inside); Because i`ve just lost it again. Haiyo. And,formspring aku takde kecoh lagi pe? Sume bilang aku pasal Eeqah,Minzy,Eldyana,Qamarul,Danial ngan sesape enta. Eh,korang niy suke jage kain orang eh.Whye eh?Haish. Stop it sial ngan korang peh soalan,'Eh,kaw da maen eh?' Stop it ehhh. Kaw nak try sangat pe? Nak,aku tolong carikkan kaw laki. -.- How lame & pathetic can all this Minah despo be? Korang dah kene maen baru tahu laah! Korang conferm menyesal punyaaaa!~
GOODBYE my fuckers<3

4:32 PM |
FORMSPRING mepek siol!~

Nampak kaw semalm pat geylang Muke kau lawa macam mak kaw. LAWA.

Haha,thank you. Asal tak tego ayy?

Eh,kecik mane k0 bobal? Hmmm,aku pikir aku punya.

Kecik jurong babe(:

K0 lawa,tak mcm Eldyana. Gambar sume kene edit. LAME

Huh? Beh kaw nak aku buat ape?

*lookdown* Eheh kaw ! Danial tak influence adek ako lah eh ! Mak ako dah mati , bapak belom ! Kaw apehal skrg ?! Kaw suke ? Kaw peh seluar dalam ah ! Org mcm kaw mane ade hati ! Ako dah kene maen belom ?

Hmmm,yea~ Daah laah,chill ah k? Hmmm.

Ako tak semurah kaw lah nak gi tadahkan kemaluan kat jantan gitu saje ! Ingat ah , ade pergi ade balek . Kaw tak puas hati dengan ako , meh sini jumpe ako ! INFLUENCE PON SALAH SPELL ! Jalan dah !

Ehh,i thought your refering to me. Hmmm,tahu takpe. Macam,wth ah kan nak kpo pasal orang>.<

you pernah main kan?

Huh? Wth-.- Kaw sape nak amek tahu?

I bet your a good mother in the future. And,flirter. Haha

Hah,thank you girl.

Eeqah pecah~

Abeh? Kaw nak aku buat ape seh? Hmmm.

i love the way you move maan. i suke tengok you joget.

Tengok aku joget? Hmmm,thank you. Another stalker man. I love it.

Haha ! Gambar kene edit pon tak lawa ? What only ! Kaw jealous ako lawa , accept th fact je lah . Lagipon sume orang ade keburukkan dier sendiri lah . NOBODY IS PERFECT BODOH ! Hahah .


Nana, buat bodoh sudah dgn tu Sri. Dia sakit ati you dgn Danial. Bile Danial ade, dia tak berani nak berbual. Bile Danial kat dalam, macam-macam bende dia keluarkan. Org mcm dia tak usah dilayan. Apa-apa pun, bersabar je lah. May Allah bless you.

HELLO,mistaken. Im Sri too.

Hi Nana, you lawa inside out. Buat bodoh sudah dgn tu stalker/hater of you. You lagi lawa daripada Nana Kecoh. Dier irritating sei! You tak lah seirritating dier. I like you, you got maturity stage like 18-20+ people. Padahal baru 16, dah mcm kakak2 sei!

To that fucking person:EH,buto!~ Aku irritating? Menyusahkan kaw pe sial? EH,NOBODY`S PERFECT! Pukimak btol. Tak puas hati,face to face ah. I ain`t any kental girl anymore. EH,NanaaKecohhh sapa tak kenal siol? BUTO,sap kunik ah k.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 | 4:36 PM |

I got Peminat laah pat my tagboard. Entaaah Zaman bile gitu ehh nak spamspam. Hmmm,pathetic siol~


-`: Nash kaw punye? Amek laaah. Hmmm,aku tak sengket jantan ah k. Kaw yang sengket jantan! Asal banyak2 Nash? Hmmm,lantak kaw laaah kan. Number Nash ape? Kaw leh bilang pe? Huh? Kene maen ngan Zufiqar? Matae NanaCiner tuh? Hmmm,kalao ade,menyusahkan kaw pe? Kalao tak,menyusahkan kaw pe? Kaw sape ehh ngan aku? Nak kate kawan,bukan ahh. Nak kate,pompan SUNDAL & DESPO,bole ah kaan? Hmmmm,mepek peh gegerl. Aku tak kacao kaw,kaw nak kacao aku. Tapi takpe laah,bagos. Biar tagboard aku banyak yang post. Hah! Aku step manenye sachek? LANTAK kaw ahh kan. Aku malas nak layan. Aku tahu laah muke kaw tuhh lagi lawar,tapi,tak perlu ah ehhh. Aku tak step sachek,but,people call me that Cute lady. Amciam? Hmmm,kaw tahu aku buat sume? Good ahhh. Ade jugak orang yang nak spot check ngan aku.I loike~ Aku pelacor? Ehhh? Thank you ahhh. Pukimak aku? PUKIMAK KAW BALEK!~

And,hey,beautyness ain`t everything for me. And,please ehhh,takmo jadi kpo sangat bole? Sampai nak kate aku kene maen sume. Haiyo. Aku rase kaw seseorang yang aku kenal. Tuh pasal,kaw tahu. Daaa,takecare~

--> NanaaKaysiow~
Aku rindu kaw. And,aku tanak masok campor hal kaw ngan Sri. Nanti orang kate aku jage kain korang pulak. Hmmm,ade banyak peminat ehh pasal kite peh hal. Hmmm,good laah kan. Haish. AKU RINDU KAW! Dahdah,takecare bhyG.

a girl you can`t be:D

4:13 PM |


1:57 PM |
Keep on talking about the other. You ain`t any better.

" regretness, do make the difference in my life. "

1. Last beverage : Dark Chocolate.
2. Last phone call : Ermm,lupe.Should be Kechyq Sanchi or AB.
3. Last text message : AB.
4. Last song you listened to : How Low(:
5. Last time you cried : Yesterday.

6. Dated someone twice : Should be ahhh.
7. Been cheated on : Alot siaaaal~
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : Erm,yess. 'W'.
9. Lost someone special : 'Z'?
10. Been depressed : Yes:D
11. Been drunk and threw up : Yes(;

12. Green/Black
13. Purple/White
14. Hawt Pink/Red

15. Made a new friend : Yes.
16. Fallen out of love : Enta pulak ehh.
17. Laughed until you cried : Yes.
18. Met someone who changed you : Entaa,i d k.
19. Found out who your true friends were : Hazwani.
20. Found out someone was talking about you : Duhh,that minah.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : 100%
23. How many kids do you want? : 2.
24. Do you have any pets : Kuching(:
25. Do you want to change your name : Ermmm,no. My name is awesomexcs!
26. What did you do for your last birthday : Entaa,i forget.
27. What time did you wake up today : 05.07am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : Dengar lagu & otp-ed.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : Enta.
30. Last time you saw your Mother : One second ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : BANYAK:D
32. What are you listening to right now : Enta.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Yes.
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now : Some BITCHES<3>.


" i've been waiting a thousand years of pain. "
when love strikes, that's th painful decision that you have to make.

Sekarang,aku tengah lapar. Nak makan ahh. I dah msge Ahpish kate I nak puase yok-yok nari. And,dyer kasih! HAHAHAHA! Gerek punyaa. And,i miss somebody badly. SYAHIRAH NADIAH,AMIRA,ANOREO GILAGILA,KECHYK,SPADE ngan SEMUE yang i kenal. Hahaha.

-->Currently,Muhammad Hairul Anwar ngah sakit. Haish,kesian dyer. And,tadi,paper susah. Besok Malay. Haiyo,stress ah kaan.

-->Ehhh,keep on blaming me. You ain`t any better. Just the same attitude your showing. And,wanna know what? Your fucking,showing BIG FUCK depan Maats~ Hmmm,i hate you laah kaaan. Nak tangkap famous je,padahal taak. Ooops~
Sorry. Hahaha! FUCK YOU.
And,im the original BITCH,you can never be. Understand? My teacher,my kawan,my bestfriend,my sayang(s) call me BITCH/Minahrep. And you? Pompan SUNDAL,i rase.
My attitude is original also ehhh.

Monday, August 23, 2010 | 5:34 PM |
Yay yay yay!

Went geylang yesterday. Very awesomexcsx! Pictures uploaded soon(;
And,i mimpi pasal Nash agiek:D Tuh laah,sape suro jumpe that time. Hmmm,and worst still,sempat text i semalam ehh(:

  • Nak kluar ngan Syahirah,Hazwani & Amira.
  • Nak number baru SpadeBarney.
  • Ngah rindu all my Mat Skaters<3
  • Nak kluar ngan NashBatman. Rindu nak mampos.
  • BUGIS<3
  • Nak cuci mater bersama dengan Mat Motor saye:D
  • Ton agiek.
  • New Specs.
  • Nak joget rabak giler punya.
  • Tak sabar nak kahwen,kan Kakak kan?
  • Nak kluar,jalan2 ngan NashBatman in pink.
  • Nak topup card.
  • Nak baju/seluar baru.
  • Nak tengok kude kepang.
  • Nak Hazwani tido pat uma I lagi.
  • Nak jumpe my Maats sume.
  • I nak bobal face to face ngan tuh Minah yang nak step manenye big bile jalan ngan I beh nampak mats sume. And,orang yang telah buat mulot pasal I.
  • Errm,nak gi Yishun,lepak w all my mats & minahs.
  • Nak kluar dari ruma.
  • Nak beli ruma baru.
  • Nak baju raye colour pink same ngan NashBatman & purple same with Reno:D
  • YAY! Happy that Shafuqal tidak di-infuenced dengan orang2 yang hisap gum.

AND,thats all(:
BYE fuckers<3

5:25 PM |

k0 nak step manenye big tapy k0 lawar dari eeqah,minzy.

Hah,use to step big. Huh? For me,dorang lagi lawar but,thanks<3>

5:25 PM |

Eh,asal k0 nie awar sangat? Bdw,tat time aku nampak k0 bersame dngn Nashrullah/NashBatman pat ruma dyer peh atas. k0rang buat ape je eh.

Huh? Serious pe? Ohh,takde. Lepak aje. Dahh,low profile please-.-

5:25 PM |

hi nana>:


5:25 PM |

PANTAT! aku rindu kau. Haha,hazwani(:

PANTAT! aku lagi rindu kau. bile nak kluar? ajak eeqah sume ahh. And,i know what they talk about me. Thanks kaay? Sayang you bhy! Mwuah<3

5:24 PM |

Eh,mane pompan nak step sachek tuh eh? bdw,gerek k0 ngan Nash? <3

Huh? Yang,elle wannabe? Enta pulak. Gerek. Susah datang seeh(:

5:23 PM |

Eh,qamalrul ex ko eh? Dhe hisap gum sume. KENE INFUENCE DENGAN SIH PUKIMAK DANIAL BIN RAZALI TUH. Dengar2,makbapak Eldyana dah mati? BAGOS. Aku suke. Biar dhe rase. ANd,ELDYANA DAH KENE MAEN BOLM>

HUH? Kau tanye aku? Ape aku kesah. I don`t know & i don`t care. Senang punya:D ADe pergi,ade balek. Kaay? Go(:

4:59 PM |

you lawa. i jealousssss. waaaah.

Hah. Weird but thanks<3>

Sunday, August 15, 2010 | 1:23 PM |

Great Kisser. Very high sex appeal.
Great in bed. Most horny.

Caring. Smart. Center of attention. Too Sexy,DAMNIT.Very high sex appeal. Has the last word. Extremely weirdbut inagood way

Very gentle. Nice. Love is one of a kind .Silly and fun! Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet!

Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future.
Irrestible, awesome kisser. Great talker.
Always gets what he or she wants. BY FAR the BEST in BED.EVERY PERFORMANCE!!!!

Trustworthy. Sexy. Rare to find. Loves being in long relationships. Extremly energetic.
Amazing in bed, the BEST lovers.

Outgoing. Spontanious. No one to fvck with. Have own unique sexiness.Unpredictable. Erotic.
Funny. Addictive. Take you on trips to the moon in bed.

Aggressive. Freak in bed. Rare to find. loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremly outgoing. Outstanding kisser.sexualas****.

Great talker. Always the life of theparty.Sexy.Horny all the time. Attractive physically ormentally(sumtimesboth) Can be Laid back or Wild. Knows how to havefun. Is really good at fvcking . Greatkisser.

Dominant in relationships.Sexy.A­lwaysHorny.Freak inbed. Always wants the lastword.Loud.Caring.Sma­rt.Loves being in long relationships.Addictive . Passionate.

sexy. Talkative. Energetic. Predict future.Mosterotic.Freak in bed.Good kisser. Not one to mess with.Always get what they want.

Spontanious. Horny.High sex appeal.
Rare to find. Good when found.
Loves being in long relationships.

Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good in bed. Lover not a Fighter But Still Punch Your Lights Out.Trustworth.

12:36 PM |

I had never expected my first day of school to be so interesting.

It would take at least an hour for the bus to arrive at my new school, National Junior College. I had brought along only a small bag that contained a few pieces of blank paper, a pencil case and a Discman. I presumed the teachers would not teach us anything on the first day of school. After all, they claimed that it was supposed to be an “Orientation Day”. I was really not looking forward to it. In fact, I dreaded it.

I managed to find a seat in the crowded bus. Most of the passengers were students in their “tucked-out” uniforms. When the bus started moving, I closed my eyes, ready to sleep through the hour-odd ride that would take me all the way from Boon Lay to Bukit Timah.

“Hey, hello!” someone in the standing crowd yelled. I woke up from my dazed dreams and looked up. A guy standing near the entrance smiled at me. He was wearing the same uniform as mine. “Hello!” he yelled again.

Almost all the passengers looked at me. The bus was at Bukit Batok Road, which meant it was still pretty far from National Junior College. On closer scrutiny, I realized it was Jacky Wu, one of my secondary schoolmates. I did not reply. Instead, I searched for my Discman, acting as if I did not hear him.

“Hello to the girl searching for something in her bag!” Jacky shouted again. This time, a few passengers giggled. I kept my head low and finally found my Discman. Without hesitation, I capped the earphones onto my ears. “Hello to the girl listening to a Discman!” he continued. I pressed the ‘play’ key continuously but no sound came out from the earphones. “Hello to the girl wearing the same uniform as me!” he pressed on. The batteries must have run out of juice. Not now! “Hello to the girl wearing glasses! Hello! Hello! Hello!” Almost all the passengers were waiting for me to acknowledge Jacky.

“Hello to Joanna!” He finally said my name. I knew there was only one way to shut him up and put an end to my embarrassment. I smiled at him. He seemed pleased and never said anything anymore.
The bumpy journey went on for another thirty minutes. He alighted at the same stop as me, but I was quick enough to evade him and dashed to the side gate of the school as fast as I could ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I did not know Jacky that well. In fact, we had only held one conversation when we were in secondary school, and it lasted for less than three minutes. We were never in the same class.

Jacky was one of the popular guys in school. He is handsome and can crack jokes really well. Many girls drooled over him, but the rumour was that he did not have a steady girlfriend.

One day, when we were in Secondary Three, Jacky was invited on stage to crack a joke during an assembly period. If he could get everyone to laugh, he would win a prize. He thought for a while before he said, “There was once a …” I was not listening to him. I was totally lost in my own thoughts.

When he finished his joke, there was a long period of silence. Suddenly, the hall exploded into ripples of laughter. My classmates around me laughed like mad people. Even the teachers laughed out loud. I frowned, unable to fathom what kind of joke could set everyone laughing so insanely.

When the laughter subsided, a teacher was about to pass Jacky a prize when he declined to take it. “Someone didn’t laugh.” he announced. For no logical reason, the audience laughed again. He pointed to my direction and proclaimed, “That girl didn’t laugh.” I glanced around me, hoping he was not referring to me.

“Which girl?” the teacher asked, looking around.

“That girl with the glasses and long hair.”

The teacher scrutinised all the students in my direction. “You mean the girl with tied up hair?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. She never laughs!”

I clenched my hand into a fist. How can a big guy like him be so petty?

“Joanna!” the teacher said. “You didn’t laugh?”

I kept quiet. To have my name called out in an assembly did not feel good. “Joanna, can you please wake up from your dreams and laugh at my joke?” Jacky uttered and some people giggled loudly. “I beg you.”

My classmates urged me to stand up. Feeling the pressure and the lack of time to think of anything else, I stood up and said sarcastically, “Ha, ha, ha.” Then, I sat down and buried my head under my hands.

Everyone laughed out loud at my scornful remarks. I promised never to forgive that Jacky Wu for embarrassing me in front of three hundred people.

After school that day, he came forward and apologised. “Hey, I’m sorry about just now. Was just trying to create some comical effects. I hope you’re not offended?”

I shook my head.

“Jacky Wu.” he introduced himself.

“I know. The famous and arrogant Jacky Wu.” I had not expected myself to say that. “Joanna. Joanna Fung.”

“I never expected myself to be arrogant. But famous? I agree on that.” he beamed. “Are you always so introverted and… unfriendly?”

“Unfriendly?” I glared at him. “I never expected myself to be unfriendly, Jacky.” I walked off quickly, not wanting to continue the conversation.

“But you’ve got like … no friends at all!”

I did hear his reply, but I acted as if I did not hear it. I continued to walk off. In fact, what he said was true. I had classmates, but I had like … no friends at all. Except for one. Just one.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Actually, there was no way for me to completely avoid Jacky in National Junior College.

He was everywhere. I had tried all means to avoid him but my efforts were futile. “Hey, Joanna. What a coincidence! We’re going to be schoolmates for the next two years, as well!”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“What class are you in?”


“Oh my gosh!” he covered his mouth and jumped around like a madman. “We’re in the same class! Can you believe it!? Jacky and Joanna in the same class! How cool is that?”

He sounded really mad. I was imagining how a monkey would blend into my class. The bell rang soon after that. We strolled towards the hall and searched for our class number. He offered to sit beside me. I glared at him but he just smiled. I had no reason to reject him, therefore, I agreed to it.

Firstly, the principal spoke to us on the history of the College, then several departmental heads of the school took turns to tell us more about the College. We were, by then, trying hard to keep our eyes open. When they were done, we sang the College Song with the lyrics in front of us.

“Okay, as you all know, we’re going to have an orientation programme for these first few days …” a teacher announced.

“It’s going to be fun.” Jacky whispered to me. “I’ve got a friend in J2. He told me it’s gonna be very exciting.”

When I heard what he said, I regretted not skipping school today. We were led to the field, class by class, just like in primary school. Jacky kept on telling me how excited he was.

“Junior College life is going to be one of the best!” he blurted out. “You’re going to enjoy it; it’s unlike secondary school! There’re more freedom, schoolwork is called tutorial, the teachers are called-”

“Sorry, Jacky …” I turned to him. “Would you please … shut up?”

He just laughed it off and talked to other people, not feeling offended. But, I felt something. I went to the toilet after that to wash off my tears. I had just asked Jacky to shut up. I had just scolded Jacky.

I had just cursed Jacky. Oh, damn it. What the hell had I done? I should just shut up. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The objective of the first game we played was to remember each other’s name.

Water balloons were thrown at students who forgot others’ names. After an hour, we were able to remember the name of every classmate. The next game was played with the aim of “recognising voices”.

The boys and girls were separated. A curtain partitioned them and, when a girl spoke, the boys had to guess who the girl was. After a few rounds, I was chosen to say something for the boys to guess.

“Come on, say something! A joke, or something like that!” the seniors urged me.

I did not know what to say, so I just muttered, “Ha, ha, ha.”

Almost instantly, I heard Jacky’s voice on the other side. “It’s Joanna! Joanna Fung, that thin girl!”

Ah, that bastard.
When I reached home that evening, Landy was lying on the sofa, crunching a packet of potato chips I had just brought a few days ago.

“How’s your first day of school?” she asked. She had small eyes and a sharp nose to match her jaws. I had always believed that she is one of the most beautiful women in the world. In fact, for a long period of time, I had hoped I had the same countenance as her. I even desired to live her life: Carefree, with boys lining up to hold her hand.

I told her everything about Jacky and the embarrassment that he had caused me. Landy is the only person that I can pour my sorrows to. She will often drop by my house for a chat. My grandmother always opens the door for her if I am not in.

“So what, you’re going to avoid him for the next two years?” Landy said. “I bet he’s going to stick to you these two years.”

“You know I can’t talk to him.” I muttered. “I can’t harm him.”

“Makes sense.” Landy poured herself a cup of coffee and relaxed on the sofa. “Don’t you fall in love with him.”

“I’ll never!” I retorted almost instantly. “I mean … I …”

Never is a very strong word. Remember your curse.” Landy reminded. “Remember. If you fall in love with him, you’ll harm him.”

I lay beside her and memories of how my mother died flowed back without mercy. “I know …”

We spent the next two hours trying to figure out how to stay away from Jacky. And two hours later, we slept on the sofa with no solutions in mind. There was no way for me to avoid Jacky completely.

At classes, he would volunteer to sit beside me and I could not reject him. He would try very hard at starting a conversation, but I would always hint to him to shut up by giving him a silent glare. It often worked, but after a few minutes, he would be talking again.

During lunch break, we would eat together. He always offered to help me to buy the drinks. I wanted to tell him off, to say that I preferred to eat alone, but when he returned with my favourite drink, I gave in and just ate my meal in silence, trying hard to keep my eyes off him.

Rumours about us being an item surfaced after a few weeks. Jacky was especially concerned about disclaiming them. However, no one believed him. One day, he even threatened to beat anyone who spread the rumours and that was the first time I saw his trademark smile vanishing from his face.

“Why do you get so angry when people say something about us?” I asked him that day.

“I don’t wanna spoil your reputation. What if no one dares to woo you?” he answered matter-of-factly. “I don’t wanna destroy your future.”

“Then, why are you still sticking to me everyday?” I probed on.

It took him a while to register the question. “I …” he smiled once more. “I wanna help you. To see you smile.” He turned away, then whispered again, “To see you smile.”


“I want to do something meaningful while I can.”

Ironically, I frowned and brought the conversation to a halt. I told Landy about what Jacky said to me that night, and we spent over three hours pondering on what he meant. And, as usual, we managed to conclude nothing.
Four months had passed since we started school.

I remembered that on a Tuesday morning, Mrs Goh, our Literature lecturer, suddenly declared, “Every year, we have a Drama competition organised by the Literature Club. Every class is encouraged to send a team forward. This competition, I believe, will help a lot in your Literature. So, I’m going to get this entire class to join.”

The students whispered protests, but Mrs Goh insisted. “Every one of you will help out in creating a play.”

Michael, one of the noisier guys, volunteered to be the scriptwriter. We spent the next fifteen minutes trying to find a suitable plot. In the end, we settled for the final scene in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It was the scene where Romeo would drink the poison and Juliet wakes up to find a dead Romeo.

However, there would be an interesting twist to it. They would speak in “Singlish” to add a Singaporean touch. And Juliet would drink the poison instead. We reckoned that would add points to our play.

“Okay, who’s good at acting here?” Mrs Goh glanced around the class. I was toying with my fingers, not concentrating on the discussion. “Let’s find a Juliet first … hmm, whose name starts with ‘J’?”

“Me!” Jacky raised up his hand in ecstasy. “Me, me!”

That idiot.

“You wanna be Juliet?” Mrs Goh mocked and the class erupted into laughter. “We need a girl, Jacky. It’s supposed to be a sad scene, not a funny scene where a macho guy acts as Juliet.”

Jacky giggled and announced, “Okay, I volunteer to be Romeo then.” Sighs of relief washed past several male students. “But, I have a request.”

“Which is?”

I looked up at Jacky. He was staring at my eyes. Oh, shit. I did not like that look. “I want Joanna to be Juliet. J for Joanna.” The whole class cheered as if Andy Lau had just sang a song.

That guy just would not let me study in peace, would he? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~We had our first rehearsal in the school hall a few days later. It was unlike the normal tragic ending in Romeo and Juliet. We had to add in “leh”s, “lah”s and “oei”s into the dialogue to make it sound more Singlish. I wondered if it would reverse the scene from tragedy to humour.

“No … cannot be … you cannot die one …” I cried without tears. Jacky lay on the floor with his eyes closed. His lips were trembling, threatening to laugh any moment. “If you die, I also die then!” He could control it no longer. He chuckled out loud, infecting the entire hall with laughter, as well.

And I always frowned when they laughed because it would prolong the rehearsal. Everytime there was a rehearsal scheduled after school, I would think of numerous excuses to skip it, but in the end, I would still attend the rehearsal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~When I told Landy about my role as Juliet in the play, she laughed for fifteen minutes. “You, Juliet? Juliet!”

I had not expected my best friend to react in that way. Actually, I was hoping for some understanding from her. I kept quiet and when she sensed my displeasure, she lowered her voice and said, “You don’t like it?”

“I don’t like it.” I answered. “I don’t like talking.”

“Are you going to ‘curse’ anyone in the script?”

“No. I’ll be following the script. No worries.”

“Then, it shall be fine.” Landy replied. “You will enjoy yourself. After all, Jacky is Romeo. It will create a romantic-”

“Landy!” I cut her. “Don’t start!”

My grandmother came out of her room and stared at both of us with her eyebrows lowered. She was three-quarters blind. She hobbled towards the kitchen with the help of her walking stick and muttered, “Is that Landy?” she did not wait for Landy to answer. “It’s late. Landy, don’t you have to work tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow is my day off, granny. I’m going to have a nice, long chat with Joan-, I mean, Juliet!” Landy exclaimed and we broke into a string of laughter. I helped my grandmother to the toilet and then back to her room. When we were alone once more, Landy persisted, “That Jacky seems to be interested in you, Joanna.”

“Don’t give a damn. I will never like him, period.”

“Let’s try to analyse what he meant when he said he wanted to help you.”

With that, our girls’ talk lasted for more than three hours before we slept. And yes, you’ve guessed it; we did not come to any conclusions. We were supposed to get a theme song for our play.

Almost everyone had his or her own views. Some preferred love songs, whereas others preferred classics. A few of us even thought that including a song in the play was a bad idea. After an intense discussion, we decided to browse through HMV at The Heeren to see if we could find a suitable song.

When we reached the place, everyone else rushed into HMV as if they were children at Toys ‘R’ Us. I sat at the edge of a fountain outside HMV. To my surprise, Jacky did not go in, as well. He sat beside me and grinned. “Not going in?”

I shook my head. The loud music inside the store always gave me headaches.

“Well, me too. Bad for the ears.” he said, slapping his ears. Then he laughed at his own joke. “Well then, I’ve dug out another secret of yours. Secret number ninety-one of Joanna Fung: She does not like music stores. It’s the same secret as mine. I don’t like music stores, as well.”

“Good for you.”

“Then, how did you get your music CDs?”

“Through a friend.” Notice the friend was singular. I have only one friend and her name is Landy.

“Okay, great, secret number ninety-two of Joanna Fung: She does have friends outside Junior College! That’s good! That’s very good! That’s damn really freaking good!”

“It’s not funny.” I mumbled and darted my eyes up. “I’m going up to the Adidas Shop to have a look.”

“Count me in.”

We went up and browsed for about ten minutes, then met up with our classmates. They had all decided on a theme song. It was “Only Love” by Trademark. Jacky and I both agreed on that, as well.

We all went back to school that evening for another round of rehearsal. The play was due in three months’ time. For the first time, we did the entire play without an N.G.

The song was played first, and then it faded out as I entered the scene to witness an unconscious Jacky on the floor. I walked slowly towards him and sat beside him, my tears dripping (the magical eye drops).

“Romeo … no … cannot be … you cannot die one …” I pressed my head to his chest and I could hear his heart beating. “You promised me so many things … so many things! You must not die … open your eyes, leh …” I tightened my grip and then yelled aloud, “No!”

The song played again for a while. When it faded away, I held up the cup of poison beside me and said, “What for I live when you die already …? If you die, I also die, then!” Then, I gulped down the ‘poison’ (it was chestnut water) and within the same second, I shook my head gently and lost my balance.

The chorus of the song played for a minute or so, loudly. Behind my closed eyes, I could feel Jacky moving a little, and then his voice came. “Juliet? Juliet! Juliet?!”

He must have found out about the poison when he groaned, “No, Juliet …”. I knew he had stabbed himself when he slumped onto my back.

Now I knew why he volunteered to be Romeo. He only needed to memorise two words and got to lie on a pretty girl’s back. Smart guy.

I first met Landy in a “magical” way.

My father died when I was twelve. My mum blamed me for his death. Since then, I learnt about life the bad way: I hung out with a group of hooligans, who smoked at stairways and got their pocket money from stealing. I always felt a great sense of satisfaction whenever we successfully shoplifted a few items.

One fateful day, we plotted to steal shoes again. Stealing shoes had always been a routine for us. Our targets were usually World of Sports, Royal Sporting House or Bata. Our plan had never failed before, until that day.

Three of us entered Royal Sporting House, wearing stern expressions. We pretended to browse around the clothes section, then, as we progressed to the shoes section, we showed signs of excitement by saying “This is nice!” or “I wonder if they’ve got size six for this pair or not?”

A sales assistant marched towards us. He looked young, and we believed he was only a temp there. We smiled, knowing a temp was an easier target. “What size are you looking for, Madam?”

I always felt proud to be called “Madam” at the age of thirteen. My friend, Maggie, replied indifferently, “Do you have size six for this?” she showed the sales assistant a particular design. It costed a hundred bucks.

The sales assistant politely told us to wait and went off. Within the same minute, he came back with a pair. Maggie tried it on and it fitted her perfectly. However, she frowned and then looked up to the sales assistant with a seductive smile. “This feels too small. Do you have, like, size six and a quarter?”

We all howled in laughter. The sales assistant looked amused. He put on his smile and said, “How about size seven?”

“Will do!” Maggie chirped. “You go look for size seven. If there isn’t any I’ll take this one.” she began to trace the design of the shoe with her finger. The sales assistant hinted at her to take the shoe off, but Maggie was totally immersed in appreciating the beauty of the shoe. Finally, the sales assistant gave up and went off in search for size seven.

In one smooth motion, I took out a Royal Sporting House plastic bag from my bag. Maggie took off the shoe and threw it into the box. We glanced around the busy shop. When we confirmed it was safe, we placed the shoebox into the plastic bag and I strolled out of the shop, feeling victorious.

No one came forward to stop me. The alarm did not ring. After all, how could anyone steal a pair of shoes? They were all supposed to be stacked neatly in the storeroom. When I was out of the shop, I pictured Maggie and the sales assistant quarrelling, in my mind. Maggie would not lose; after all, customers are always right. I could only pity the poor sales assistant, who must be wondering if he did place the size six shoes back in the storeroom. He might even consider quitting his job.

While I was lost in my thoughts, someone tapped my shoulder. A pretty girl with shiny long hair smiled at me and said, “Put that pair of shoes down. They’re coming to get you.”

I studied her. She looked a little older than me and had the kind of features that any teenager would envy. Her eyes were as round as her eyeballs and the dimples on her cheeks were deeply curved to perfection. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I demanded.

“Trust me. That sales assistant is the supervisor, not a temp. He has met all sorts of people. He’s coming for you. Drop it, or you’ll regret it forever!”

I stared at her. She seemed to know everything. After an internal debate, I decided to trust her and threw the shoes into a rubbish bin. A few minutes later, to my surprise, the sales assistant, together with two security officers, came up and apprehended me. When they found nothing on me, they gave up and I let out a long sigh of relief. It was my closest encounter with a criminal record.

After that dreadful incident, the girl showed up at my house. I had no idea how she obtained my address. We chatted a little. I later knew her to be Landy. As time went by, we became good friends. She was older than me by four years and was working full-time as a clerk. My mum died when I was fourteen and I cut off links with all my friends, save Landy.

Somehow or other, Landy stayed with me through thick and thin. Knowing that I disliked going out, she came to my house to chat with me instead. If there was only one blessing in my life, it was definitely having a friend like Landy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was so ironically hilarious when we realized our play lasted only five minutes if we suffered no NG. Our play was supposed to be “ten to fifteen” minutes long.

“Look, I think we’ll have to rewrite the script.” our so-called director, Delvin, suggested. He was one of our classmates with the most outstanding leadership qualities. “I’m open to all ideas.”

We ransacked our minds and a few ideas were proposed, but none of them seemed to work. Amid the mood of depression which had descended over the room, Jacky stood up and told us, “Trust Joanna and me. We’ll be able to prolong it with our acting. Won’t we, Joanna?”

I sank deeper into my chair and pondered. What did he mean by that? He was smiling at me again. I felt my hair standing up. What was he thinking now? I grit my teeth, hoping that he would not suggest some outrageous proposal that would embarrass both of us.

“It’ll be a lot more realistic if we act out the play without directly following the script. For example, if the audience laughs, we’ll extend the humorous scene. If the audience is crying, we’ll extend the sad scene. Of course, that would mean we’d have to add our own lines to the play. You understand?”

After some brainstorming, they all agreed to that idea. I wanted so much to debate, to confess my disagreement, but upon seeing their exhausted faces, I consented. After we were dismissed, we all headed in different directions except Jacky and I. We stayed together as I wanted to confront him about the idea.

“Why propose that stupid idea?” I probed.

“For fun, Joanna! For fun! And for authenticity! Don’t you think the whole play will look a lot more realistic if we don’t follow a script? I mean-”

“You won’t understand! I need to follow a script! I can’t … I can’t talk well. I … I’m afraid I will say the wrong thing and …” I choked on my words and halted.

“Tell me what’s stopping you from opening your heart, Joanna. Please.”

I was shaking softly. His warm hands embraced my shoulders and he lowered his voice. “Please tell me more about yourself. Why you’re keeping everything to yourself? Why you’re living in your own world? Please.”

“Get away!” I pushed him off, my face burning red. After I had taken a few steps back, my cell phone rang. It was Landy. I rejected the call and turned back at Jacky. “You won’t be able to help me! No one can! No one!”

“Let me help you, please! Believe me! You won’t fail if you keep trying!”

“No! You can’t, you’ll never! I’m going to withdraw from that fucking play, and you and your fucking good friends can be Juliet!”


“I killed my father, my mother and many other people! I’m a fucking murderer, a fucking killer, a fucking sinner!”

I turned and dashed out of the hall. The moment I was outside the school, I raised my hand and a taxi stopped. I let out a soft moan of despair before I swung open the door and went off in search of respite.

The taxi ride to West Coast Park took me fifteen minutes. By then, night had fallen and I had already stopped shedding tears. There were not many people around. Landy came an hour later and we climbed up the tall pyramid-shaped playground, lying on the ropes.

“You really want to tell him everything, don’t you?” Landy said. “Coz you feel like you’ve got a … bond with him.”

“He’ll get killed by me.” I whispered. “I don’t want danger to befall him.”

“But you really want to tell him about your problems. You really wanna tell him about your curse. I support you.”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, why not we play a game? If he’s here within fifteen minutes, you’ll tell him about your problems, okay? If not, we’ll sleep here for the night. Are you game for it?”

I looked up at the starless night. He would not be able to find me, I thought. “Deal.”

“Well then, I’m going down.” Landy reached down, grabbed the rope below and slowly made her way down.


“Look down, my friend.” By then, Landy had reached the ground. She waved at me and I understood what she meant at the moment I looked down. Jacky, still in his uniform, walked past her. When he saw me, he smiled broadly and climbed up the ropes, flaunting his lean biceps. Within a few seconds, he was sitting beside me.

“How did you know I was here?” I said. “Landy called you?”

“Who’s Landy?” Jacky shrugged and shook his head.

“The girl who just walked past you.”

“Did anyone walk past me just now?” he furrowed his brows. “I didn’t notice. I just saw you.”

“Then, how did you know I’d be here?”

“I installed a tracer on your handphone. You know, like those tracers that secret agents use? I bought it on the black market. Cost me a bomb.”

I bit my lip and ignored his pointless remark.

“Joanna, can I tell you something?”

I nodded, stunned at his seriousness. He never usually bothers to request permission when he asked questions. What he had just said freaked me out. My eyes were fixed to the ground, my hand toying with the ropes that supported our weight.

“I know it’s one of the hardest things to do in the world … I know it’s like asking you to stuff your fist into your mouth or it’s like asking you to eat caterpillars, but …” he paused. I shivered. Gosh, he looked really serious when he was not smiling. “Will you … will you, believe me?”

“Believe you?” I twisted my head, almost relieved. “What do you mean?” I was not expecting him to say something so simple.

“Lend me an hour of your time. In this hour, I really hope you can believe in everything I say. Will you?”
I clenched my hand into a fist, thinking hard. I then recalled the deal I had with Landy. “Okay, I believe. Now, what do you want to say?”

“Tell me about your problems. Joanna, you’ll not fail if you keep trying.”

“No! No one can help-”

“Joanna!” And he did it: He held my hand and cried, “Believe me!”

I shook my head a few times, trying hard to believe him. I will not fail if I keep trying? I had always been trying … but I always failed. I’d given up hope on everything, choosing instead to live in my own world.
A minute passed silently. I gazed fixedly at the starless sky. Time seemed to be crawling by callously. I grabbed a rope, preparing to leap down when Landy’s words came to mind again. With that thought, I looked up at Jacky. His eyes darted towards mine. It was then that I realized he was still holding on to my left hand.

“Believe me.” he repeated, as he released my hand. I felt a surge of loss. “What is the reason that causes you to be so reserved? How did your parents … pass away?”

Tears started to well up in my eyes. I wanted so much to lay my head on his shoulder, but I feared he might feel uncomfortable. I shook my head a few times to hold back my tears. It was not an easy task. “I killed them.”

“Tell me more. Let me help.”

“You can’t help!” I yelled, my voice echoing in the quiet night.

“Believe in me!”

“You wouldn’t-”

“You have to be-”

“It’s too complica-”

“Believe me!”

“No one can help-”

“I can help you. I really can. Let me help, please. Believe in me.”

Somehow, my heart melted and I gave in.

“I was born into a perfect family. I had a father who drove a taxi and a mother who cooked for others.” I started, not daring to face him.

“That’s very good. Go on.”

“We lived simply, yet happily. My dad worked seven days a week. Every night, I would wait for my father to buy supper for us. The three of us would eat while watching television. That late night meal was the only time for us to be together. I would tell them about the new bully at school. They would teach me how to fight back.”

“You’ve got good parents.” Jacky cut in, obviously just to prove that he was still listening.

“Life was perfect. Just so perfect. Until one day … one day…” Whenever the memories flowed back, I would choke on my tears. Jacky patted me on my back, encouraging me to keep my composure. I knew if I was to tell him about myself, I would have to overcome those memories. “One day … that day …” I took a long, deep breath. “It all happened.”

“The day started like any other day. My father ate his breakfast in a rush and then went to work. As usual, I yelled ‘Drive carefully, Dad’ to him before he stepped out of the house. I was in school, listening to the teacher telling us everything about how apples drop to the ground when I saw my mother outside the classroom.

“I remembered that day, we were supposed to have a spelling test yet I had forgotten to bring the exercise book. I thought my mother was just there to pass me my book. Little did I expect it to be something more than just a book.

“She grabbed my hand and we left the school. No words were exchanged. We went into a taxi, and when she cried, I sensed something was wrong. Then, she hugged me, and I knew it was bad news.”
I paused. I needed a break from the bad memories flooding back. Jacky flashed his trademark smile and patted my shoulder. We stayed that way for a few more minutes.

“My father had died in a car accident. In his desperate attempt to fetch a passenger, he neglected his own safety. A lorry crashed into his taxi. He died instantly. I was only twelve then. I cried everyday, waiting for my supper to come. But every night, only memories of my Dad came back. I could no longer tell him about the new bully that came to my school.

“My mother, strangely, indirectly blamed me for his death. She claimed that had I not told my father to drive carefully, he might not have died. It made no sense at all. With my father’s death, my mother quitted her job and turned into a drunkard. She would return every night stinking of alcohol. I had no idea where she got the money.

“I was totally depressed with my broken family. I met a group of friends, when I was in Secondary One, at a stairway. They introduced to me ways to relax: smoking, drinking. I was lured in by the luxury of not having to care. I smoked my days away.”

“I cannot imagine you were once a smoker.” Jacky said.

“I was. Home was just a place for me to seek quarrels. I tried my best to stay away from my house. My mother would always call me names like ‘jinx’ or ‘bitch’, even in her sober state. Finally, one day, I had enough. I put all my clothes into a bag and shouted to her, ‘I hope you’ll die in a car accident, just like daddy. And I hope you’ll get crushed by a big lorry!’ After that, I stayed in my friend’s house for two days.

“And, two days later …” I was shuddering now, my tears rolling out like there was no tomorrow. I tried to brush them away, but they kept coming. I felt like jumping down to the ground now, ending the ordeal once and for all. Jacky’s hand was still clutching mine. Without warning, he embraced me, his body warming me up. He was shuddering along with me. I dropped my head onto his shoulder and whispered, “Two days later, my mother was crushed by a big lorry. She died on the spot.”

There was a long period of silence. I wiped my tears off, but they kept on coming. Jacky stroked me gently on my back, as if it would help to stop my sobbing. In that moment, I really wished I would wake up in the comfort of my bed and realize that everything had just been a dream.

I guessed I had regretted telling Jacky everything. No one knew about all this except Landy. I had tried so hard to bury my past, but Jacky’s persistence had caused me to dig it out. I pushed Jacky off, knowing I could not lay my head on his shoulder forever. To my surprise, he was wearing a smile, not at all surprised by my story.

“And you believe you caused the death of your mother? Because of the ‘curse’ that you have?” he said.
I nodded.

“Silly, Joanna. There’s a word known as ‘coincidence’. It just happened to be a coincidence.”

This time round, I shook my head. “A few days after my mother’s death, I had a quarrel with one of my friends. In the midst of the quarrel, I …” I paused again. It was hard to dig out a past that had been buried away for so long. “I said, ‘You’re so stubborn, your boyfriend is gonna leave you soon!’ And, a few days later, her boyfriend broke up with her.”

“Well, two coincidences.”

“I once scolded a taxi driver for speeding. I said he would soon get into an accident if he continued to speed. He ignored my warnings and the next day, the newspaper reported that a taxi had smashed into a tree. Luckily, the taxi driver suffered no serious injury. I’ve always hoped they were just coincidences, Jacky. It’s not. It’s a curse. I’m cursed. Every bad thing I say will come true.”

“That’s the reason why you’re so quiet? So … introverted?”

I nodded. “More or less. Trust me, they’re not coincidences. There’re more examples of my curse. I dare not talk, for fear that I may ‘accidentally’ curse others. It’s not my fault.”

Jacky bit his lip. A few seconds later, he mouthed, “I remembered you once said you’ve got friends outside JC. Is it true?”

“Just one friend. Name’s Landy. Strangely …” I stopped, wondering if I should tell Jacky about Landy, or not. I thought, since I had already told him so much; why not tell him about Landy, as well? “She isn’t affected by my curses. I had accidentally cursed her a few times, but she seems to be immuned to them. Nothing happened to her after my curses. Hence, she has always been my best friend.”

I told him more about Landy, on how we first met and how she visited me frequently just for a chat. “My grandmother will open the door for her when I’m not in. However, my grandmother always forgets she does that. She has poor memory and poor eyesight.”

“Landy must have been a good friend to come by for a chat.”

“Yeah.” I said, a bit annoyed by that pointless remark.

“So, she knew about your ‘curse’, as well? And encouraged you to avoid talking to others?”

“That’s right.” I replied. “She had seen how people suffered under my curse. That’s the reason why she prefers me to keep quiet.”

“Okay …” Jacky muttered then closed his eyes, obviously trying to think of something to say.

I stared at his closed eyes. Why had I told him so much? Maybe, it was to tell him the reason why I did not like the idea of the free-style play. Maybe, it was also to tell him that my quietness was not my fault. Maybe, to let him paint a better image of me in his mind.

“Remember your promise just now?” he suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.


“Okay, believe in me now. Say this after me, ‘I don’t have a curse.’”

“But I-”

“Remember your promise!” he exclaimed, cutting my sentence. “Now, repeat after me … ‘I don’t have a curse’.”

I guessed I just had to play along to humour him. “I don’t have a curse. Silly.”

“No! Just say ‘I don’t have a curse’. No ‘silly’ behind. Come on, try again.”

I shrugged. Was he childish or was I too matured? “I don’t have a curse.”

“Good. Now say, ‘I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist’.”

“No!” this time, I yelled. “No, I, you … you-” I stopped myself at that very moment. I was going to say “you idiot”, but that would equal to cursing him. I just glared at him, wanting so much to scold him. “I’m not sick.” I sneered.

“Believe in me. Remember your promise? Believe in me! Say after me!”

“I’m not sick.”

“Believe in me. Believe me! You’ll not fail if you believe!”

“I’m not sick. I’m cursed.”

“Believe me!”

Once again, I fell into silence. Knowing that I would not win this argument, I said, “I don’t have a curse. I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist.”

Jacky nodded. “Good. I’ll call the shrink tomorrow, and we’ll book an appointment, okay? I’ll accompany you to the shrink.”

“What?!” I yelled instantly. “No way!”

“Look, Joanna, there’re still five more minutes to the hour. You should still believe me, alright? You need a doctor.”

“No, I don’t!”

“Then, prove it to me! If the doctor can’t cure you, then I’ll give up!”

I had never seen a shrink before. In my impression, a shrink looks like the beautiful Kelly Chen, the actress who acted as one in the movie “Infernal Affairs”. She would just listen and the patient will do the talking. The patient will feel better after taking some medication and he or she will be cured. Silly, isn’t it? How can anyone’s accumulated mental illness get better after saying everything and popping a few pills? I could not believe Jacky had just suggested I do that.

“No.” I said.

“I’ll go with you. Every appointment. Please.”

He would go with me? I pondered on that. For the longest period of time, I had always been alone. Now, this silly weirdo had just proposed to accompany me for those silly appointments. I frowned, lowering my eyebrows to a V shape. Was he trying to break my routine?

“Are you trying to break my routine? Change my life?” I said my thoughts aloud.

“Yes. I wanna break your routine. I wanna change your life.”

This was getting sillier. I had been lonely for more than three years. What could he possibly do? I guessed the best he could do was to mess up my life. Like recommending me to see a shrink. Silly, silly Jacky. Really silly. Asking me to believe in him, to believe that he would be able to change my life …
“… for the better.” he added suddenly.

For the better? I stared up at the stars. Maybe, I was trying to avoid him. But, all of a sudden, I said, “When is the first appointment?”

It was my heart speaking.

He told me he had to check everything first. Upon our agreement, we climbed down the playground and made our way to the bus-stop. After waiting for a few minutes, we realized that it was close to one in the morning.

“Sorry, I don’t have enough cash with me.” he said.

“Me, too.”

His face brightened up. “Then I’ll walk you home, and I’ll walk home after that!”

I wanted so much to smile. To laugh at his silly antics. However, I just nodded. We were at West Coast and my house is at Jurong Extension. It would take more than an hour’s walk.

We started the long walk talking about many things. This was the first time I had spoken so much to another person other than Landy since my parents’ deaths. Jacky said that he was the only child in his family. His father died of cancer when he was just seven; hence, he had a very close relationship with his mother.

He said he learnt a lot of things when his father was dying. He told me how precious life could be, and said that we all came into this world for a purpose. “Happiness and sadness are not caused by your surroundings. They’re caused by your thinking.” he verbalised.

When I asked him about his plans for the future, he gave me an answer that really surprised me. “My plans for the future? Make you smile. Do something meaningful.”

We reached my house about an hour later. He was totally exhausted. Beads of sweat blanketed his forehead, but he was still smiling despite the weariness. “I’ll call you.” he said. “I’ll call you and tell you when we’ll meet up for the appointment. I’ll … see you around, eh?”

“Yeah.” I said. I realized he still had a long way to go from my house to his house at Bukit Batok. “You want me to get some cash for you to take a cab?”

I had expected him to say yes. He was massaging his neck and looked as if he wanted to vomit. However, he maintained his pride and muttered, “No, I’ll walk home. It’s good exercise.”

“Well, good for you. See you.”

After he left, I took a bath. Landy was in my room, sleeping soundly on my bed. After my bath, the doorbell rang. It was two in the morning. Who could it be? I looked through the hole in the door. It was Jacky.

“Hey …” he said, resting his back on the wall. His face was pale white, as if he had just seen a ghost. His lips seemed to be wet and he smelled of puke. “Can you lend me twenty bucks? I’ll return it to you tomorrow.”

I passed him the money. “Return me something else. Not the twenty bucks. Something else that is worth twenty bucks.” What was I saying? Sometimes, I felt that I said stupid things to him.

“Okay.” he saluted me and said, “I’ll return you something else. Something that twenty bucks can’t buy.”

With that, he ambled off. I stared at the last of his shadow before I closed my door, and I did something I had never expected myself to do.

I smiled to myself.

I was unable to sleep that night. At first, I thought that maybe I was too physically exhausted and my mind was unable to drift into sleep mode. So, I began to count sheep, drank warm milk and studied my Economics text. It was futile. After playing a loud slow song that woke my grandmother up, I decided not to sleep. After all, I had to wake up early the next day for school.

It was, by then, four in the morning. Several windows outside my apartment were lightening up, getting ready for the day. I looked at my handphone to check for new messages. There weren’t any. I frowned and sent “Good night, good morning, Mr. Wu” as a SMS to Jacky and went to bath.

Why the heck had I done that? For fun? No; in my dictionary, the word ‘fun’ had ceased to exist.

I spent the next two hours surfing the Internet, checking my handphone, watching television, checking my handphone again, playing games and checking my handphone once more. At last, at six, I received a message. It was from Jacky.

Morning, Joanna! I m so happy. This is the 1st time u msg me. Thx!

I deleted the message and, then, spent the next ten minutes trying to restore deleted messages. There was no such function. Silly me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jacky was “acting” normal to me in school.

It was like yesterday’s conversation had never occurred. He put on his trademark smile to class as usual and joked his time off. When lunch break came, he bought me my drink and I could avoid the strangeness no longer. I asked, “Why are you acting so strangely today?”

“Strangely?” he said. “I’m not! I’m not even acting.”

“You are.” I retorted, wondering if I had just accidentally “cursed” him. After a considerable thought, I figured I had not, so I continued, “You used to be so …” I stopped. It was not him. It was me.

I had suddenly wanted him to pay more attention to me. To talk to me more. To joke with me more. He was just being himself today. What was wrong with me?

“I’m sorry.” I said, as I looked at my plate of rice, ashamed to face him. “So, when is the… appointment?”

“I’m calling them later.”

“You’ll … come with me, correct? As you promised?”

Although I was not looking at him, I knew he must have been showing me that toothy grin again. “I promise. I’ll come with you for every session. Every single session. Every …”

“Good. Good.” I said. “Damn good.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Hey, Joanna.”

I woke up from my doze. The lecturer’s droning voice was amplified to the entire hall. I took a few seconds to register my situation and looked up. It was Michael, one of my classmates who wrote the script for the play. He was sitting in front of me, his head turned. Jacky was snoring beside me, his cheek kissing the table.

“Hey, Joanna.” he repeated, as if I was still napping. “You there?”

I nodded as an answer to his question.

“Are you okay?” he whispered.

I nodded again. “Why?”

“Well, it’s because …”

Jacky sprang up from his sleep and grabbed Michael in the neck, standing up. “Don’t harm her!” he shouted.

His voice attracted the attention of the entire hall. All the students turned to look at him. The lecturer stopped talking and stared at Jacky with his eyes wide open, obviously surprised at Jacky’s commotion. All I did was to look Jacky in the eyes. Michael did not struggle. He was staring at Jacky, still stunned by his onslaught.

A few seconds dragged on. Jacky let go and sat down while Michael scratched his head. They did not exchange a single word. A few whispers from the students killed the silence.

“As you all can see, the point when demand is …” strangely, the lecturer continued the lecture as if nothing had happened.

“Hey, Mike.” Jacky whispered. Michael wheeled and faced Jacky. He did not seem afraid. “I’m sorry. I had a silly dream. You know, Mr. Tan’s voice can turn a sweet dream into a nightmare.”

“I know. I understand. That’s why I dare not sleep when Mr. Tan is lecturing. By the way, what dream did you just have? Who’s the ‘her’?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, who’s the ‘her’?” I asked, as well. Must be out of curiosity.

“I … forgot. You know, you always forget your dreams.”

Michael laughed. “Yeah. Anyway, Joanna, I was about to ask you … are you okay?”

“What’s wrong?” Jacky and I replied together.

“Well, it’s just that … you’ve smiled five times today. And, I’ve seen you smile less than ten times despite knowing you for more than six months. It’s a bit … unusual?”

“Well, Michael …” Jacky licked his lips in delight. “She’s going to smile more in the future. I promise you that.”

And, all of a sudden, I smiled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It’s called the Child’s Guidance Clinic, commonly known as CGC. It provides neuroscience treatment, psychological and psychiatric services to people aged eighteen and below. It’s under the Institute Of Mental Health. The price is cheaper as the Government will subsidise a large portion of the cost. I’ve booked an appointment for you.”

Jacky passed me a sheet of paper. There was a map, a date and a time. “The Clinic is in Singapore General Hospital. Pretty close to our school, so we’ll have no problem getting there after school. And this …” he passed me another sheet of paper. It was an official appointment letter issued by the Clinic. “We’ll need that to enter the Clinic.”

“Isn’t that place meant to be for children?”

“No, that’s the misconception that most people have. The CGC also accepts teenage patients, as long as you have the will to be cured. The age requirement is eighteen and below. And you qualify. Okay?”

I read the official appointment letter. The first appointment was for a Tuesday morning on which we had school.

“No worries about that. I’ve applied for an official leave from the school.”

“Official leave?”

“Well, on that day, we both will turn ill. And we’ll ‘buy’ MCs from doctors. Isn’t that official enough?”

I laughed.

“And when the doctor asks you to choose the next appointment date, give him a date where you and I can go together without skipping school. Okay?”

I nodded.

“Great.” As he was able to leave, I stopped him. “Huh?”

“Look, Jacky …” my eyes met his and I whispered, “Thank you. For everything.”

“My gosh, you’re close to tears.” He took a step closer to me and tapped my head. “Come on, it’s nothing much, okay? Cool it.”

“I …”

“Hey, Joanna.” he turned serious. “You must understand, I’m doing this because I wanna help you, okay? I want you to believe in yourself and others. Just that. We cannot be a couple. You cannot be my girlfriend. I have my reasons. So, don’t you ever fall in love with me, okay?”

Fuck. Damn. Ass. Bastard. Idiot. Silly, damn, fucking bastard ass idiot!

“I’ll never fall in love with you!” I yelled back at the top of my voice. “I’ll never love you! And you!” I pointed at him in the chest, and then punched him in the chest repeatedly. “Don’t you fall in love with me! Don’t you turn back and tell me ‘I love you!’! You hear me, Jacky Wu Zhong Xian? You hear me?! Me, Joanna Fung Wai Gwan, will never, ever fall in love with Jacky Wu Zhong Xian!”

“Cool down-” he whispered.

“And you, Jacky Wu Zhong Xian, you’d better don’t fall in love with me, ‘coz I’ll never love you!” I gave him a final punch before I stepped back. My heart was beating a lot faster and my body was jerking up and down uncontrollably. “You cannot be my boyfriend! I have my reasons! Okay! Don’t fall in love with me!”

I turned and ran off. A few tears fell. And while I ran, I tore up the two pieces of paper that Jacky had passed to me.

Of course he could not fall in love with me. I had this curse that could harm him. This was all for his own good. But, why did he still do all these things when he did not like me? I wondered if he did that to every girl he knew. Then, tell them that he did not like them. He must be that sort of person. A bastard who likes to see girls cry in front of him.

I hated him to the core.

I went home with my eyes still red. Landy was in, reading a magazine. When she saw me, she frowned, knowing something had happened. I told her everything within fifteen minutes.

“He sucks.” she commented, sharing my exasperation. “He just sucks. Painfully sucks.” I nodded, agreeing with her every word. “But he’s just so … nice, isn’t he? So romantic … so … nice.”

“Idiot. I hate him. I hate him!”

“You love him, Joanna. It’s the other way round.”

Her sentence sent me into a whirlpool of thought. I cried so hard when he said he could not fall in love with me. Was it because of the fact that I liked him? I had not cried that much since my mother’s death.
My handphone beeped. There was an incoming message. Landy passed me the phone and said, “It has to be Jacky.”

I opened the message and truly, it was him.

I’m sorrie if I say anything wrong… u will still come for the appointment, won’t u?

I read the message aloud to Landy. She beamed and exclaimed, “Say yes!”

I did not heed her advice. I typed a No and replied to him. “No, I’m not keen anymore.” I told Landy. “I don’t wanna go out with an idiot.”

“You’re going for the appointment, not going out with Jacky, my gosh!”

I was still trying to control my tears. I should not cry in front of my best friend. I had always been the strong independent girl. I would not cry for a guy again!

A new message came in.

Let me fetch you on that day, okie?

I replied a No again. I had enough of this guy. Trying to help me? Or, maybe, he was just doing all this so that he could skip school! That bastard!

“Come on, relax and let’s talk this out. It’s very obvious, Joanna, that you’ve fallen in love with Jacky. Why not just admit that, and we’ll have an easier time to decide on whether to go or not?” Landy was saying. But, I was not paying attention. I was looking at my phone, wondering if Jacky would reply or not.

Slowly, I digested Landy’s words. It was really clear. It was just too clear. Maybe, I just dared not say it out. Finally, after fifteen minutes of battle with my tears, I lost. A drop rolled out. I wiped it off instantly. Landy, somehow, had seen it.

“Cry it out, Joanna. Cry it out.”

A new message.

Only you can help yourself. come on, reply a yes…

I replied a No.

“I know you’re going for the therapy because of him.”

“I’m not!” I retorted.

“Then …” Landy whispered so soft that I had to read from her lips. “Why are you not going anymore, after he said all that?” And she made sense.

A new message came in. Vent your thoughts to others please… it’s the only way out. I replied a No again and looked at Landy. I was lost for words. She had hit my vital point. Jacky then replied, Ease your illusions! let me help…

I shrugged. I did not know what to tell Landy, and I did not reply to Jacky. I was caught at a crossroad, not knowing where to go. Landy was quiet, eyeing me, as if waiting for me to say something.

You’ve gotta go for it!

Only you… yourself can help yourself…

Understanding yourself is most important…

I looked at the messages. He had sent me three messages in a short span of five minutes. Landy was frowning, obviously curious about the messages that Jacky had sent me.

I crossed my legs, then my arms. Then, I threw my handphone onto the sofa and closed my eyes. My mind had dealt with too many emotional battles within a day: I guessed it needed a long rest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Avoiding Jacky was one of the toughest things to do at school.

He was everywhere. I tried not looking at him, but realized I couldn’t. I wanted to see his expression: Was he feeling angry, guilty or happy? Or, maybe, he was just indifferent?

In fact, there was no change. His trademark smile still lingered on his face. He still greeted every lecturer as if they were his best pals. He even tried to joke with me, but I did not laugh and he did not continue the conversation.

Finally, lunch break came and this was the most awkward moment for me, as we always had our lunch side by side. I bought my own food and sat alone, wondering if he would still join me. Instead one of my classmates sat beside me and I glared at her. She stared at me, then at the seat, and finally walked off.

Jacky was at the drinks stall. Would he buy me my drink? I scanned my food, trying to stop myself from looking at him. Then, a familiar deep voice hailed me. “Here’s your drink. Diet Coke with salt.”

I looked up. There he was, Jacky Wu, sitting beside me. I just stared at him, dumbfounded, startled but not surprised. He smiled, and then ate his food. I did the same thing. A few awkward minutes passed.

“I’ll pick you up next Tuesday morning. I’ve applied for an official break from the school.”


Okay? What was I thinking? Landy, help me. Landy, I’m mad. Landy …

“Good. It’s been so long since I’ve seen the morning sun from an angle other than from the school on a weekday. I’m so excited.”

I nodded. I must be crazy. I felt so much like flipping the table over and giving him a tight slap on his face. Yet, I just sat there, agreeing and nodding to everything he said. My body was not listening to my mind. I must be mad. I must be.

“Great.” he said. “You received my messages yesterday?”

I nodded again. I must have forgotten how to speak English.

“All of them? There’s a hidden message. Can you decode it?”

I shrugged. What was he saying?

“Have you deleted the messages?”

I nodded. If I said otherwise, he might get the idea that I had stored every message that he sent me.

“Oh, okay.” he said, and then continued with his food. “Read some of Dan Brown’s books. The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point and Angels & Demons. Most importantly, read Digital Fortress. It’s a novel about breaking codes.” He smiled, and then suddenly laughed out loud for no reason. “However, reading them won’t help you solve the code.”

Was that a joke? If so, it was just so not funny.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Hidden message?” Landy was saying, looking at the messages. “Has he read too many ‘The Da Vinci Code’”?

“Beats me.” I had written down all the messages on a piece of paper. They all sounded so normal. “Maybe, he’s just trying to be funny. He’s always funny. But, his jokes are not funny.”

“Yeah, maybe that’s why you like him.”

I ignored her comments and stared at all the messages again.

I’m sorrie if I say anything wrong… u will still come for the appointment, won’t u? Let me fetch you on that day, okie? Only you can help yourself. come on, reply a yes…Vent your thoughts to others please… it’s the only way out. Ease your illusions! let me help…You’ve gotta go for it! Only you… yourself can help yourself… Understanding yourself is most important…

Hidden message? Crap. But still, I spent an hour reading and re-reading the messages. It did not make the slightest sense. If he had wanted to start a conversation, he should have thought of a better idea than saying there was a hidden message in his SMSes. So clichéd.

I inspected the waiting area. The lighting was bright. There were many sofas along with some tables, all neatly placed, and a few stacks of magazines were resting on the tables. I stole a quick look at them. Most of them were parenting magazines.

Jacky came forward with two cups of plain water. A few parents were with their young children (most of them below five years old). “It’s so empty here.” I whispered, taking a sip of the water. If I had spoken freely, my voice would have carried throughout the entire waiting area.

“No worries.” Jacky patted my shoulder. The nurses at the counter were chatting with each other. A few doctors in their white coats walked in and out of their rooms, holding folders in their hand. I wondered which one of them I would be allocated to. The nurse had said “Dr. Ong”.

“Joanna Fung?” I glanced up. Out of nowhere, a tall young man was standing in front of me. He was wearing his doctor’s coat and looked like a decent chap, with his thick glasses and neat hairstyle. I stood up instantly and offered my hand for a handshake. “Come with me, will you?” he smiled. I turned and looked at Jacky. He was winking at me, and then relaxed on the sofa.

I was led into Room 15, with the tag “Dr. Ong Kim Leng” on the door. The room had a sofa, a table strewn with toys, a big whiteboard and a desk with a computer. Dr. Ong sat on a chair and motioned for me to sit down. I looked around and realized that I should sit on the sofa. Never before had I sat on a sofa when I went to see a doctor.

“Alright, Joanna, seventeen years old. Junior College student. National Junior College. Not bad.” He rolled his chair in front of me and pulled out a file with a pen. “Now, it’s only you and me. Just you, Joanna Fung, and me, Dr. Ong.”

I nodded.

“So, whatever we say here, no one else is going to know. Alright? So we have a pact.”

I nodded again, this time nervous.

“I just want to let you know that coming here is the right choice. You know something is wrong, and you’re admitting it. Finally.”

I did not wish to nod, but still, I did. He was very naggy.

“Alright then, let’s not waste each other’s time. So, come on, tell me what’s bothering you.”

Finally, I got to talk. I told him everything that I had told Jacky about: The “curse”. Dr. Ong was amazingly attentive: he kept on listening and, while listening, he would write something on the file. Sometimes, he would draw something and asked me irrelevant questions.

“Tell me frankly, do you have a boyfriend?”


“Are you happy when chatting with your best friend, Landy?”


“How do you feel if I tell you that you’re a very creative thinker?”

“I don’t know.”

Finally, after an hour of confessing my problems to him, he closed his file. “Do you have any questions for me?” he asked me. I shook my head. “Alright then. What you’re suffering from is a mental illness called ‘Obsessive Compulsive Disorder’, or OCD for short.”

I shrugged. I had never heard of this before.

“Before I go on to tell you what OCD is, I’ll give you a simple example. Have you seen people in the coffee shop washing their hands almost every few minutes, rubbing their hands with soap till they tear their skin?”

I nodded. I had known someone like that in my secondary school days. She just kept on going to the toilet to wash her hands. I always thought that she was just paying more attention to hygiene than us.

“You see, they’re also suffering from OCD. They feel that their hands are always dirty, so they have the urge to wash them again and again. They’re obsessed with the thought of dirty hands. And they wash their hands to make them feel better. That’s their compulsion.”


“You’re also suffering from OCD. Your case is a bit different. You’re obsessed with the thought that you’re ‘cursed’; hence, you have the compulsion of not talking to others. It will make you feel better.”

Crap, I thought.

“In mental terms, we’re in a cycle of thought, behaviour and feeling. You have the thought of fear when talking to others, fearing that you might curse them. So, your behaviour will be to avoid talking to them.”
I toyed with my fingers. I was not paying attention. He stood up and began to draw the cycle for me to see.

“So, we can’t change your thoughts. And, your feelings, your fears, are created by your thoughts. So, we can only help to change your behaviour. Through a change in your behaviour, your thoughts and feelings will change, as well. We’ll go through a therapy called Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy to change your behaviour. In other words, to be happy, you have to change the world or change your thinking. We’re here to change your thinking.”

“Okay, so, when can we start?”

Dr. Ong stared at me, his eyes and mouth wide open. I must have been the first patient to accept his diagnosis and treatment so straightforwardly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Obsession Disordering Of … computing.” I explained to Jacky. “Eh, wait. OCD. Obsession Computer Disordering? I forgot the name of it. The short form is OCD.”

“Sounds like the Police Force in Robocop, OCP. And what is it all about?”

“I am obsessed with the ‘curse’. And I’m controlled by it. So, they’re trying to change my thinking-eh, no. Not thinking. They’re trying to change my behaviour. So that my thinking will change. And my feelings will change.”

“The Thought-Feeling-Behaviour cycle. I’ve heard of it before.”

“Whatever.” I blurted. “And I’m supposed to meet this Mr. Kam later on. He’ll do a therapy on me. Change my behavior. Change my thoughts. Change my feelings.”

I was prescribed with medications that cost me well over ten bucks. It was “Fluoxetine”, some sort of SSRI (as mentioned by Dr Ong), or simply, an anti-depressant.

We waited for another half an hour before Mr. Kam came forward to meet me. He was in his forties, with a lean build. We greeted each other and he led me to another room, leaving Jacky alone again.

This time, the room was smaller. There were two small chairs, a small table and a desk. The walls were lined with drawings by children less than ten years old. I sat on one of the chairs. “I’ve read your file. I know everything about your condition, but I would like to hear the whole story again, from yourself.”

And once again, I revealed my ‘curse’. Miraculously, I had now told three people about my ‘curse’ within two weeks.

“Alright. OCD.” Mr. Kam did not seem to be as friendly as Dr. Ong. “This therapy involves doing something that is against your will. You think you can curse someone. So, come on. Curse me.”

I was taken aback. He was insane. He must be. I had never expected that the fourth person I had confided my secret to would ask me to curse him.

“Go on, curse me.”

“I really have the curse” I said. “Don’t play these games.”

He pointed at his forehead. “It’s all in the mind, Joanna. Your thoughts. Your thoughts are telling you it’s wrong. But, I want to prove your mind wrong, instead. Curse me. When your behaviour changes, so do your thoughts and, eventually, your feelings. And then, you’ll be cured. Come on.”

I was thinking of Jacky. I wondered how he would react. This Mr. Kam was asking for trouble. He looked harmless though.

“No.” I said.

“Do you want to be cured?”

“I’m not sick. I’m cursed.”

“Trust me. Just this once. Just say that sentence. Prove me wrong.”

“I don’t want to ruin you!”

“You won’t. Curse me leniently then. We’ll do it slowly.”

“No, please …”

“Oh, come on! Don’t make me bribe you with candies.”

“Please don’t force me …”

“Come on!”

“Stop it …”

“Curse me!”

I could no longer take it. I stared at him, thought for a while then said softly, “You’ll break your arm within this week.”

Mr. Kam smiled. He must be sick in the mind. He was the sick one, not me. That sicko! Trouble seeker. “Good, Joanna. How are you feeling now?”

I kept quiet for a while. “Regretful. I just want to say sorry in advance to you. I hope you’ve bought insurance.”

“Don’t worry, I’m insured. From a scale of one to hundred, one being least depressed, hundred being most depressed, how depressed are you feeling now?”

“Hundred.” I said. He showed me a piece of paper with a table drawn on it and wrote something.
We chatted about irrelevant things for the next ten minutes. He told me about the various kinds of obsessions people had, like the fear of using a fork and the fear of crossing the road. I was kind of amused, yet, at the same time amazed by these real-life stories. After fifteen minutes, he asked me how depressed I was again. I said hundred once more. An hour later, he asked again and I said hundred. Mr. Kam did not look pleased.

He got me another date to come back for the next therapy session. “I believe by then your depression level won’t be hundred.”

“Maybe more.” I said and went out to meet Jacky.

When I told him what I had done, he just smiled. He did not believe in my curse, as well. I would show him. I would show them just how powerful my curse is.

Gosh, can’t they understand me?

Sometimes, I thought, strange things happen.

For the past few years, after my mum’s demise, I had not celebrated my birthday. I would spend the day day-dreaming or watching television. Landy does know when my birthday is, but strangely, she never once made an effort to celebrate it with me.

However, this year, it was special. I had gone to school as usual; absorbed in the lecturer’s droning voice and immersed in the countless tutorials. When school ended, Jacky came forward. He was half smiling and not looking into my eyes. This was the first time I saw embarrassment in his expression.

“Hi, Joanna, well …” he zipped opened his bag and took out a wrapped box. It was rather small and the wrapping was done exquisitely. A red ribbon was tied on top. “Happy Birthday.” he said, and with two hands, passed me the box.

I took a step back, inspected the box and then eyed him. A long period of silence went by. Jacky’s head was still hanging low. After a few seconds, he bit his teeth and whispered, “Take it, quick! I’m going to pee if you don’t take it!”

Finally, I took the present. “Thanks.” I said. It was very light and the box was hard. It had to be plastic.

“I’ve got to go.” he said and went off, leaving me alone with the box. “I’m not embarrassed! I’m really not embarrassed! I just need to pee! Just, just wear it everyday!” he yelled, as he was far away from me.

I went home and with Landy, we opened the present. It was a branded watch. From then on, I wore the watch almost every time I went out. It had become part of my life.

That silly guy. What’s there to be embarrassed about?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jacky accompanied me when I went for my next appointment with Dr. Ong.

“How was the therapy with Mr. Kam?” Dr. Ong asked.

“I cursed him.”

Dr. Ong did not seem worried. He wrote something on his file. “Good for you. Okay, I remember you once said you’ve got a best friend called Landy, who is immune to your curse?”

I nodded.

“Can you get her to meet me next time?”

“I don’t think there’s a need-”

“Doctor’s order. It will help, a lot. Alright?”

Reluctantly, I nodded. When I told Jacky about it, he said he was eager about meeting Landy, as well. And I felt something. Like a little anger directed at Landy.

Was that feeling … jealousy?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When more strange things happened, I knew somehow or other that my life had changed.

On one of those days, I woke up very early in the morning. Having nothing to do, I took out almost every scrap of food in the refrigerator. Then, I took wholemeal bread and began to make a sandwich with all the trimmings.

I completed my ten-centimetre-high sandwich after fifteen minutes and packed it into a plastic bag. At lunch break that day, after Jacky and I had finished our meals, I passed him the sandwich.

“You made it?”

I nodded, not looking at him. But, I was curious to see what his expression was, so I stole a quick look at him, and my eyes never left his then.

His eyes were red. He was munching on the sandwich as if it was some expensive food from a classy restaurant. He then folded the plastic bag into a nice shape and kept looking at me.

“Is it nice?” I asked.

“Too nice.” he said, and suddenly I could hear his breathing. He was blinking a lot faster, as if to combat any tears. “Too nice.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“You made a sandwich for him? But, you’re such a lousy cook! I mean, two months ago, you tried cooking instant noodles with egg and you didn’t even bother to crack open the egg. Wait a moment.” Landy said, leaning forward to me. I could not tell whether she was serious or not. “Did you actually use bread to make the sandwich? Or did you use sand, instead?”

I pushed her away and I laughed. It felt so good to laugh. “Bread. And yeah, by the way, Dr. Ong wants to see you.”

“Me?” Landy crossed and uncrossed her legs a few times. “Why me?”

“I don’t know. You’re my best friend. My only friend. Maybe that’s why.”

“Can I … not go?”

“Come on, go. You’ll be able to see Jacky.”

“Arh. Jacky here, Jacky there.” Landy said, stuffing her mouth with a few Mentos sweets. “Alright then, I’ll go for you. Tell me, is that … Dr. Ong handsome? Is he married?”

“He’s single and available. He has a body of steel and a nuclear-powered mind. But, be careful: He’s spent his campus life learning how to read people’s minds. You won’t wanna play with his heart.”

“I love challenges.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was having my breakfast that day in school with Jacky beside me when my phone rang. Glancing around to make sure no lecturers were around, I took out my phone. It was an unknown number.

It was a nurse from Child’s Guidance Clinic. After confirming my identity, she said, “You’ve got an appointment with Mr. Kam this afternoon, right?”

“Yes.” I said, and looked at Jacky. He had stopped chewing and was darting his eyes at me. Mr. Kam was the therapist I had cursed not too long ago.

“Mr. Kam is on long term M.C. He’ll be back next month. I’ve checked with Dr. Ong, your doctor. He said he’d get another therapist for you. You have an appointment with Dr. Ong tomorrow, right? He’ll brief you on that.”

I nodded at the phone. I had been expecting this. Jacky’s mouth was wide open, trying to read something from my expression. I must be frowning.

“And yes, Dr. Ong reminded you to bring your friends along.”

“Friends?” I asked. I thought it was just Landy?

“Yes, that’ll be … Miss Landy and Mr. Jacky.”

Oh. Jacky is just a friend.

“I will. Will do. Thanks.”

After I had told Jacky everything, he shrugged and then smiled. “Dr. Kam must have a very high fever.”

“He broke his arm.”

“The nurse said that?”

“No, I didn’t ask-”

“Then, let’s just presume he had a very, very high fever, alright?” Jacky agrued. “Please, Joanna. Mr. Kam had a very high fever. Come on, repeat after me. Mr. Kam had a very high-”

“-fever.” I said, feeling like a primary school child.

“No, you must read after me. Mr. Kam had a very high fever. Come on.”

“Mr. Kam had a very high fever.” I said. Then, I realized something.

When I was with Jacky, I felt like a child in a nursery. And he, he was not the teacher, nor the fellow children. He was the big brother who always stood outside the window, smiling, encouraging and giving me tips. And, throughout the whole day, I would be staring at the window, wondering when I would be able to be with him again.

Oh shit. What am I thinking?

“She knows how to get here?” Jacky asked me for the fifth time.

“Yes.” I answered impatiently. We were at the waiting area of the Child’s Guidance Clinic, waiting for Landy. Jacky and I had come down directly after school. Landy had said she would apply for leave today just for this appointment.

The lift opened and, finally, Landy came out. She was wearing a small tee-shirt and jeans. “Landy, this is Jacky.” I said. Jacky’s eyes were wide open, looking at the area behind Landy. Landy smiled broadly and extended her hand.

“Hi, Jacky. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Landy said, obviously trying to tease me.

Jacky was still looking stunned, as if Landy was some superstar. His eyes did not meet Landy’s. Instead, he kept on staring at me, then at the wall behind Landy. “Oh, Landy.” he shook his head for a while. Landy’s hand was still extended. “Oh, Landy, Landy. Hi, Landy” he said, waving his hand instead. Then, he massaged his forehead for a while.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing.” Jacky waved off his hand. “Just another headache. Landy’s too beautiful, she’s giving me a headache.”

Landy laughed and we went to the waiting area. Dr. Ong came out shortly, inspecting Jacky. Landy greeted Dr. Ong, but he was too intent on studying Jacky.

“Dr. Ong, this is Jacky.” I pointed at Jacky, then at Landy. “And, this is Landy.”

Dr Ong turned and looked at Landy for a while, then said, “Alright, Landy, can you follow me to the room?”

Jacky crossed his leg, looking uncomfortable. He seemed to be grinding his own teeth. I patted him on the shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. Dr. Ong is a nice guy.”

But still, Jacky stayed silent. I had never seen him so quiet before. However, there was nothing I could do, so we just sat staring into space. A few minutes later, Dr. Ong came out alone.

“Mr. Wu?” Dr. Ong called Jacky. He extended his hand and this time, Jacky shook it. “Come this way, please. Joanna, you stay here for a while, alright? I need to talk to them alone.”

I nodded.

I killed my time by drinking water from the water-cooler. About half an hour later, I was summoned into the room. Landy had left, leaving Jacky alone in the room. Strangely, I had not seen her walking out. But, she had sent a SMS, explaining that she had something on. So, I was left alone with Jacky and Dr Ong. What an odd social cocktail.

“Jacky, you may go out now.”

I nearly laughed. Just when I thought things were going to be exciting, Jacky was sent out. In any case, I felt more comfortable with Dr. Ong alone.

“I’ll assign another therapist for you.” Dr. Ong said.

“I cursed the previous one. Told him that he’d break his hand. He asked for it. That’s why he’s on long-term MC.”

“He had malaria, Joanna. He didn’t break his hand.”

I said nothing, knowing that he must be lying to make me feel better. Doctors always lie, don’t they?

“It’s true. Anyway, I’ve decided to increase the dosage of your anti-depressants. Don’t keep yourself hungry. Have some carbohydrates, like rice or noodles, when you’re hungry. It’ll make you feel better. Don’t let your stomach yell for food.”


“I’ll call you again after I’ve found another therapist.”

I was desperate to get out of the room suddenly. To meet Jacky, perhaps. After Dr. Ong had given me the prescriptions, I dashed out and, as I predicted, Jacky was relaxing on the sofa, reading one of the parenting magazines. But, he was not smiling. That was not normal. In fact, that was very abnormal.

He wanted to take a taxi. After much negotiation, I agreed to it. His stern expression somehow made me weak, as if I had to give in to his every request.

When we were inside the taxi, Jacky said “West Coast Park.”

I disagreed, but he said nothing. And, when he said nothing, it meant something was very wrong. So I went with him.

Oh, gosh, where the hell is Landy when I most need her?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We took a long walk along the beach, glancing out at the sea.

The sun had just set, leaving a breathtaking image on the horizon. The currents of the sea slowly devoured the yellow light at the horizon. The tide was high, constantly threatening to push her tip to our feet.

We chatted as we walked. Jacky told me more about his childhood and his mother. He said that he felt compelled to help others when he was young due to his father’s death. His father was his hero. I, having nothing to say about any hero, just told him more about Landy. I was about to mention one of Landy’s less desirable habits when he suddenly interrupted.

“Can I hold your hand?” he said.

I wanted to smile, to jump around in ecstasy and hug him tight, and then kiss him and tell him how delighted I am. However, I did none of the above. I balled my hand into a fist and snorted, “I only allow my boyfriend to hold my hand.”

“Can I hold your hand?”

I looked away from him, trying to find something to say. “You can’t be my boyfriend. You said that before. You’ve got your … reasons.”

“Can I hold your hand?”

Now, I really felt like punching him. “No. Because only lovers hold hands. And we are not lovers.” Not yet.

“Can I hold your hand?”

“I am not your girlfriend. I cannot be because I have this curse and you’ve got your own reasons.”

“Can I hold your hand?

“Only if you’re my boyfriend and I’m your girlfriend, then we can.”

“Can I hold your hand?”

“Remember what you once said?” I bit my lips. I was staring at the ground, my heart beating a lot faster. My body seemed to jerk and I was blinking a lot faster than normal. “If we hold hands, your reputation will be spoilt. I don’t want to do that.”

“Can I … hold your hand?” he repeated, this time weaker.

I continued walking. This was getting nowhere. I turned to him, ready to scold him aloud when I stopped in my tracks.

His eyes were red, and a few drops of tears were rolling off his eyes. He was breathing deeply. For the first time since I had known him, the tough and jovial Jacky was crying in front of me.

And, he did not hold my hand. Instead, I held his and wiped off his tears. And, as my blinking glistened back to normalcy, tears rolled out of my eyes, as well, and I jerked harder.

We were like two scared, crying school kids who were lost. But, when I felt his hand on mine, I felt no fear.

Only warmth.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We locked hands till we reached my house. Throughout the journey, we were silent, as if words had suddenly vanished from our minds. But, when we reached my void deck, he released my hand and said, “Joanna, I’m always here. I’m always here, if you ever need me. Here.” He pointed to his heart.

This time, I could no longer resist the urge to hug him. I wrapped my arms around him. The tough introvert Joanna was crying for the second time within a span of an hour. “Thanks” that was all I could manage to say.

Jacky released me gently and took tissue paper to wipe off my tears. “Remember this. If you ever need me and I’m not around, just wait for me. Because I’ll always be here.”

I nodded.

“I am just like the sun and you the flower. I’ll provide sunlight for you to blossom. Sometimes, clouds will prevent me from reaching you. But, you’ll know that I’m always trying to reach you. Just wait for the clouds to clear if you can’t receive my sunlight.”

I nodded. If he kept on talking, I could flood the void deck with my tears.

“Remember: To be happy, you either change the world, or you change your thinking. To be realistic, you have to change your thinking to be happy. But, me, I will change the world for you.”

I said nothing because my mouth had been choked with my sobbing.

Gosh oh gosh. Don’t wake me up. Please, let time reach a standstill now. Right now. Gosh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Landy was munching biscuits on the sofa when I reached home. When she saw my reddened eyes, we started our girls’ talk again.

And, finally, I admitted my true feelings to her.

“I’ve fallen in love with a guy. And, his name is Jacky Wu Zhong Xian. But, I don’t know if he likes me or not.” I said. I was lying on the sofa, still wearing my uniform. I did not feel like bathing all of a sudden, as if the water would wash away Jacky’s smell.

“Of course he likes you! I mean, he held your hand, he said all those … mushy, yet, romantic things. Don’t tell me he says that to every girl.” Landy was saying. Strange. I had not told her what had happened, yet, she seemed to know everything.

Although she made sense, I still could not forget what happened that night. “But, that day, he said that I could not be his girlfriend.”

She sighed. “Guys. Maybe, he wasn’t ready that day. Now that he is ready, what are you waiting for?”

What am I waiting for?

I took a maximum dosage of anti-depressants, every morning.

I got a call from a nurse the next morning when I was in class. I went to the toilet to take the call. Dr. Ong had assigned another therapist for me. I agreed to go, but I had already decided not to. I had ruined Mr. Kam with my curse. They had to believe in it.

Jacky was back to himself. It was like yesterday’s episode never occurred. He continued to wear that smile everywhere he went. I wondered if he would treat me like a girlfriend, but no. He treated me just like how he treated me before. There was no difference, but I guessed that was a good beginning.

We spent the next few days studying and reading and by the next week, we were on schedule for the full-dress rehearsal of our play.

We had agreed to sing the song together as the play concluded. And, I had agreed to do the free-style play. After we had changed into our costumes, I waited backstage. The song was then played loudly.

“Two A.M. and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You’re telling me you’re so confused
You can’t make up your mind
Is this meant to be
You’re asking me”

Jacky was lying on the stage, his eyes closed. I walked forward slowly, looking at the “unconscious” Jacky.

“Romeo.” I whispered. “No, Romeo …” I rushed forward and genuflected in front of him, holding his head up. I could hear his breathing and smell his sweat. “Romeo …” I held his hand and clutched it tight. It was warm. I gripped it tighter, and then laid my head on his chest. “Why are you going away now when I’m so in love with you? Why?”

The audience (consisting of lecturers and our classmates) was so quiet that we might even hear the flapping sound of a mosquito’s wings. My breaths were unsteady. I was blinking fast again. “Please, leh, stay with me. I love you.”

I should have given the cue to play the song, but I forgot to do so. Instead, I lay on Jacky’s chest, hearing his every heartbeat. Strangely, I had a fear: I feared that his heart might stop beating anytime.
After about a minute of silence, the song was played again.

“But only love can stay
Try again or walk away
But I believe
For you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I just play my part
And pray you’ll have a change of heart
But I can’t make you see it through
That’s something only love can do…”

When the song faded off, I looked at a cup of chestnut water beside me. “Poison …” I said to let the audience know that that was not chestnut water. “Poison …” I tightened my grip on his hand and I could hear a soft groan from Jacky through his closed mouth. “Wait for me, Jacky. What for I live when you not around?” and I gulped down the chestnut water. It tasted sweet.

I shook and nodded my head for several seconds before dropping onto the floor, my hand still holding on to Jacky’s. After a while, I sensed movement. Jacky was waking up. He said something before lying on my back.

Everyone clapped. We thought we had done very well when one of the lecturers spotted a very obvious mistake on my part.

“When you’re on the stage,” she said, “Jacky is Romeo and you’re Juliet.”

I wondered if she was trying to be sarcastic or she was serious about pointing out my mistake.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Our literature lecturer, Mrs Goh, treated us to dinner after the full-dress rehearsal.

Everyone was impressed with our performance. They said we had “chemistry” and it was a very touching play. I begged to differ, for I thought I could have done better.

“Call Landy and get her to join us.” Jacky suddenly cut in after we had placed our orders. I thought that was not a good idea, so I did not call her. But, Jacky persisted, “Go on, call her.”

“No means no.” I said. I felt like we were a couple having a small spat. Jacky shook his head slightly and did not press the issue.

Almost every student got either their parents or partners to send them home. Mrs. Goh offered to give Jacky and me a lift, but we politely refused. And so, we took a long bus ride back home.

“Call Landy.” Jacky commanded, when we were in the bus. There were less than ten people in the bus.

“For what?”

He glanced out of the window, then pressed the bell. With that, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bus. I pushed his hand off and looked around me. “Knock it off! What the heck are you doing?” We were in the middle of a highway.

“Why didn’t you go for the previous appointment with Dr. Ong? Listen to me, Joanna. Listen to me well. Go for the appointments with Dr. Ong. You’re sick.” he pointed to my forehead. “You need help.”

I shoved his hand off again and snorted, “What do you know about me? Why act as if you’re me! I cursed one of them! If I had been harsher …” I stopped. I should not talk that much. “Just …” I stopped myself.

“I’m going to prove it to you if you still don’t believe me.”

“Prove what?”

“Take out your handphone.”

I threw my bag to the ground and gnashed my teeth. “I’m not your servant. I don’t do what you want me to do!”

“I’m going to prove to you that your best friend Landy is just an imaginary friend.”

I stopped breathing for exactly one second. That was it. That was too much. I slapped his right cheek hard, feeling the pain on my hand. He stared at me as if it did not hurt. But, his cheek began to swell.

"Landy doesn’t exist,” he said.

I gave him another tight slap. The loud sound of the impact echoed into the night. Our eyes darted towards each other and images of Landy jogged in my mind.

“You created her. She is the perfect portrayal of a lady, and you want to be like her. That’s very normal, Joanna. Nothing to be ashamed of. Many children have imaginary friends. They get over it. You’ve just been talking to your imaginary friend for the-”

“No!” I yelled. My hand was too painful for another slap. “No, no, no! This can’t be! After all these … after all these fucking … fucking … fuck!” I turned. A bus came and I flagged it, but it continued to drive past me. On its sign was “Off-Service”.


“Get away from me.”

“Take out your handphone. Show me Landy is real.”

I did what he said.

“Now, read out Landy’s handphone number to me.”

I scrolled through the phonebook in my handphone. L … Lay Hong, Lemon, Leslie, Luke, Luther … I scrolled again. Still the same. Landy Wen Wen Lan is her full name. I strolled to W. Wendy, Winnie. Still no Landy.

“9 …” I halted. I did not know what to say. “9 …” Her number had got to be there! Someone must have deleted her number off my handphone. Yes, her number was my last dialled call. I just had to get to my Call Register …

Last Dialled Number: Jacky Wu.

“No …” I looked up at Jacky. He was frowning, but I knew he must have been enjoying every moment of this. That bastard …

“When you talk to the phone, you’re just talking to yourself.”

“But you saw her! You fucking saw her that day!”

“I saw no one. I acted as if I saw her. Because I did not know what to do. I was so confused. Did you know what you did that day?” he broke into a smile, and then pointed to the air beside him. “Hi Jacky, this is Landy.” He paused. “This was what you did.”

“She was there!” I was screaming now. “Dr. Ong saw her as well-”

“He faked it as well. He thought if we were to tell you that day in front of so many people, you’d be agitated. He said that the best remedy for an imaginary friend is to let it go away naturally. Make you happy, make you feel socially involved and the imaginary friend will go away. That’s the reason why he had increased the dosage of your anti-depressants.”

“My grandmother can see her as well. Explain that to me then!”

“Your grandma is three-quarters blind. She couldn’t tell the difference between Landy and the door. Who else has seen Landy before? No one.”

“You’re lying.” I said. “You’re lying!” I saw a taxi from afar. I seized my bag and held my hand out. “Fuck off, Jacky. You’re ruining my life.”


I could hear his fading voice, but he did not give chase. Before I got into the taxi, I took off the watch he had given me for my birthday and threw it far away.

That bastard. That fucking bastard

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